Feb 16, 2020
Three Temptations
Series: Epiphany
The temptations to be successful, to be right, and to be in control are real. Our temptations are usually to do something good, instead of to do what God wants for us, in order to be whole. Like Jesus, let us be led by the Spirit into places where we can be fully convinced of God’s will for our lives. And let us ask God for the courage to follow Christ’s example, fully giving of ourselves that we may have life and life more abundant. LISTEN to Sunday's Sermon "The Three Temptations"
  • Feb 16, 2020Three Temptations
    Feb 16, 2020
    Three Temptations
    Series: Epiphany
    The temptations to be successful, to be right, and to be in control are real. Our temptations are usually to do something good, instead of to do what God wants for us, in order to be whole. Like Jesus, let us be led by the Spirit into places where we can be fully convinced of God’s will for our lives. And let us ask God for the courage to follow Christ’s example, fully giving of ourselves that we may have life and life more abundant. LISTEN to Sunday's Sermon "The Three Temptations"
  • Feb 9, 2020Repentance and Holy Spirit Fire
    Feb 9, 2020
    Repentance and Holy Spirit Fire
    Series: Epiphany
    Women pastors. Some churches have them, and some don't. What is behind our doing things the way we have always done them or deciding to make a change? What role does the Bible play in our decisions? The scripture lesson for this week is about baptism and transformation. Going from what we were to what we are becoming in Christ. LISTEN to Sunday Sermon "Repentance and Holy Spirit Fire."
  • Feb 2, 2020Coming of Age
    Feb 2, 2020
    Coming of Age
    Series: Epiphany
    Being emotionally mature is required if we are to be spiritually mature. God wants to grow our hearts and our spirits. Let us follow Jesus’ example, by growing in wisdom, love, and purpose. LISTEN to Sunday's sermon "Coming of Age"
  • Jan 26, 2020Out of Egypt
    Jan 26, 2020
    Out of Egypt
    Series: Epiphany
    If we feel we are living in “Egypt,” maybe there is something there for us. Not only may God have us in a safe place, but God may also be fulfilling something in our lives. Let us be grateful for God’s voice and presence that leads us and guides us and remains always with us as we are led into and come “out of Egypt.” LISTEN to Sunday Sermon "Out of Egypt"
  • Jan 19, 2020Law & Spirit (Effort & Surrender)
    Jan 19, 2020
    Law & Spirit (Effort & Surrender)
    Series: Epiphany
    In the story of the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple, we see examples of effort and surrender (Law and Spirit). We need both. Naturally, it seems, surrender is the more challenging of the two for us to successfully incorporate into our lives. Let us make sure to make an effort...and make the effort to let go (surrender). So that we, like Jesus, can "grow and become strong, filled with wisdom and the favor of God upon us." LISTEN to Sunday's Sermon "Law and Spirit (Effort and Surrender)"
  • Mar 3, 2019Did You Eat Your Veggies?
    Mar 3, 2019
    Did You Eat Your Veggies?
    Series: Epiphany
    God want to set us free. To take us on a new journey to a “land flowing with milk and honey.” The journey out of bondage will not be an easy one. And even though God’s promises lie ahead, we may be too afraid to move forward. We may even consider going back to our old ways of living. But let us trust in God. For God will provide a way forward, a way where there seems to be no way, a way to our promised land. CLICK BELOW to LISTEN to Sunday's Sermon "Did You Eat Your Veggies?"
  • Feb 24, 2019Who’s Your Swim Buddy?
    Feb 24, 2019
    Who’s Your Swim Buddy?
    Series: Epiphany
    We are valuable to God. God created us with love. He provides care for us and asks for us to care for one another. God’s life-giving purposes are beyond our comprehension, and he asks us to be a part of his plans. And God will give us a name...a name to remember how special we are. CLICK BELOW to LISTEN to Sunday's Sermon "Who Is Your Swim Buddy?"
  • Feb 17, 2019Remember Where we are Going?
    Feb 17, 2019
    Remember Where we are Going?
    Series: Epiphany
    “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28.) Can we say as Joseph did that God means it all for good? CLICK BELOW to LISTEN to Sunday's Sermon "Remember Where We're Going?"
  • Feb 10, 2019Would You Like a Hand?
    Feb 10, 2019
    Would You Like a Hand?
    Series: Epiphany
    Some things in life seem to come “naturally” to us, both life’s blessings and challenges. Other things in life seem to be “earned” by us, both good and bad. If we are to find reconciliation and peace in our lives, we must come face to face with God, alone. We must leave everything behind, and wrestle with God, for God to show us who we really are. By the time our story comes to an end, we may be limping. But seeing God face to face and having a new identity makes it all worthwhile.  CLICK BELOW to LISTEN to Sunday's Sermon "Would You Like a Hand?"
  • Feb 3, 2019Remember the BIG Picture?
    Feb 3, 2019
    Remember the BIG Picture?
    Series: Epiphany
    God has a promise for us. Does God’s promise seem impossible, like having a baby in your old age? Does it make us laugh, like Sarah did? Laugh because we are in desperate need of relief? Laugh because we think we know better than God? Laugh because we’ve been caught off guard. Regardless of our reactions, let’s remember that of all the amazement in life, God’s timing may be the most amazing of all. Get ready to laugh...because what God has in store for us will bring an abundance of joy!  
  • Jan 20, 2019Would You Like A Do-Over?
    Jan 20, 2019
    Would You Like A Do-Over?
    Series: Epiphany
    Our lives are miracles. The odds of us even existing are astounding. And isn’t it amazing that the God who created it all wants to “walk with us”? God has given us all we need to enjoy and experience the life around us and to evaluate and make good choices. Let us never forget the possibility of total chaos in our lives. And let us never forget the possibility of a truly good life as well. Thankfully, we have access to God’s presence, and we have been promised that by placing God first, we can experience everything that God has intended for us. CLICK BELOW to LISTEN to Sunday's Sermon "Would You Like a Do-Over?"  
  • Jan 13, 2019What is Baptism?
    Jan 13, 2019
    What is Baptism?
    Series: Epiphany
    What a great way to begin the new year, with sacred reminders (Baptism and the Communion) of salvation, of Christian family, and of new identity, new life, and new beginnings. Let us commit ourselves to remembrance and reflection on the life and love that God has given to us. And let us promise to be good stewards over it for this year ahead of us. CLICK BELOW to LISTEN to Sunday's Sermon "What is Baptism?
  • Jan 6, 2019Another Way
    Jan 6, 2019
    Another Way
    Series: Epiphany
    King Herod sent the Magi to Bethlehem and said, “Go and search carefully for the child and report to me.” And they went on their way, and when they saw the star, they were overjoyed. They saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route. (Matthew 2:8-12) CLICK BELOW  to LISTEN  to Sunday's Sermon with Rev. Pat Leader, "Another Way."
  • Feb 4, 2018Eagle’s Wings
    Feb 4, 2018
    Eagle’s Wings
    Series: Epiphany

    How do we define our life… our spiritual journey and our relationship with God? Do we see everything connected and full of purpose? Can we trust and believe that God uses “all things” for our good? When we get tired...as we know we will...let us remember that God is our strength. Let us pray to see and to live what is truly matters... what is eternally significant.

  • Jan 28, 2018Speaking Gods Word
    Jan 28, 2018
    Speaking Gods Word
    Series: Epiphany

    God is speaking to us. God has always made the effort to work with us and all our complications. God will continue to “raise up” prophetic voices “among us” who will “speak the word” of God for us to “follow.” Let us do all we can to listen. Let us expect the unexpected. Let us be prepared to deepen our relationship with God and to grow beyond what seem to be our limits of the present.